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3. Stability in performance

    The overall speed in NeoShine Office 2.0 has been further enhanced after adopting the Intel compiler and IPP (Integrated Performance Primitives). The average conversion rate of graphs has since been doubled, and the encryption rate of files, upped by 80%. Furthermore, in comparison with the products prior to NeoShine Office 2.0, a breakthrough development has been achieved with regards to the speed in opening huge text documents. The overall speed has now been bettered by 20%, resulting in the speedier opening of text documents.

4. Redevelopment

    NeoShine Office 2.0 provides a mature and standard re-developed interface, supporting development languages such as VC, VB, Java, Delphi , JavaScript, VBScript and so on, for implementing application customization and a seamless connection with the office system. Through controlled calling, it can be embedded into other application, such as IE browser under Windows operating system and Mozilla browser under the Linux operating system. For the ease of redevelopment by the users, besides providing a detailed user guide, NeoShine Office 2.0 also specially provides a programmer's programming guide related to redevelopment and a programmer's reference handbook, plus a rich pool of sample programs on redevelopment.

II. Domain of product application

    Since NeoShine Office system entrance into the market, it has been abundantly applied in the government, education, enterprise and scientific research domains, garnering endorsements and high acclaims from the users.

1. Excellent accomplishment on the procurement from Government

    In the legitimate software procurement of the various government levels from the second half of 2004, China Standard Software Co., Ltd was selected repeatedly in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Henan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian and Hainan. Of which, provinces such as Shanxi and Shaanxi , China Standard Software Co. Ltd was the one solely selected. The NeoOffice Office system has seized about 30% market share.

2. Successful application of the office system

    Besides gaining favor from the users for its user friendliness and compatibility, the NeoShine Office system also provides a mature and standard redeveloped interface. ActiveX control and JavaBean control are provided for the Windows operating system, and JavaBean control, is provided for the Linux operating system. The data center of the Shanxi Province Government supports domestically produced software, and the NeoShine Office system has been successfully embedded into its electronic government affairs system, marking a true advancement in the process of adopting domestically produced software by the government.

3. Application in the education domain

    Different versions of the NeoShine Office system were developed for different industries. The education industry is an industry with great strength and potential. Our Office has taken into full consideration, the needs of the users and developed a version aimed specially at the users in the education industry.

    Our rather typical case in the education domain is the application project in cooperation with the Shanghai Distance Education Group for an education resource library. Products from the NeoShine desktop series were employed, all the way from the system platform through the applications in this project; the servers adopted were the NeoShine Linux general server and database server, the NeoShine Linux desktop operating system 2.0 employed as the desktop operating system and the NeoShine Office system applications used, realizing a seamless connection between the Office system and its applications.

Awards attained


Name of award attained

Product awarded


2004 Shanghai Municipal New Key Product

NeoShine Desktop Office System


2004 Excellent Software Product

NeoShine Office System


<<China Information World>> 2004-2005 Editor's Choice Award

NeoShine Office System


<<Open Source World>> Editor's Choice Award - Best Linux Desktop + Overall Office Solution Award

NeoShine Linux Desktop 2.0 + NeoShine Office System 2.0

III. Direction of Future Development

1. Integration with businesses

    Isolated information islands, isolated application islands and isolated resource islands, have long been considered as the three big flaws in the traditional office system. The essence that caused these problems is the lack of a coordinated application platform that is unified, integrated and open. With ¡°integrated platform, coordinated application¡± as a characteristic, the development of an independent ¡°coordinated application¡± network platform software is the integrated solution for electronic government affairs. Not only will it bring the electronic government affairs into a whole new level, it is, at the same time, providing a development direction and broad market for the new generation of office software.

2. Integration with industries

    In view of the requirements of a specialized industry, the general office software can no longer satisfy the needs of the users of that domain. Hence, integrating with the industries and releasing office software that satisfy the industry characteristics will no doubt be one of the directions of future development. For instance, the education industry requires a huge amount of educational figures and symbols; and, as a result of its characteristic, the education industry will have a much higher demand on the functionalities such as editing of formula, figures etc, than other domains. Therefore, there is still an extremely board market with regards to similar industries with specialized needs.

    Opportunities and challenges coexist in the future of the office market. To be accepted by the users, companies of office software should look for greater breakthroughs in areas such as technology, product, planning and so on. The NeoShine Office system aims to take on the task of truly satisfying the needs of the users, constantly enhance itself and really become an indispensable helper in the daily office of the users.



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